Digital agriculture in practice: Weather Forecast APPS

Digital agriculture has emerged as the promise to help farmers to be more productive and efficient while reducing the impact on the environment. A promise that has crystallized in a multitude of Apps and digital tools that allow the farmer to make better decisions in their day to day.
Apps that  get the best out of weather data with a single goal: to have local weather knowledge in a reliable way to make the best decisions about the crop.The way in which these apps manage to provide the farmer with daily advice to plan his tasks is simple and boils down to a single element: the data. By installing different weather stations in the plots, it is possible to start capturing accurate and local weather data.
Thanks to this data, all this information can be analyzed to subsequently forecast climatic and agronomic risks, providing advice for preventive action and thus protecting the crop against adverse weather conditions, disease and/or pest attacks, etc.This forecasting not only results in a reduction of cultivation costs, but also allows a rational use of agricultural inputs, such as phytosanitary products, something that is aligned with the ‘Farm to fork’ strategy implemented by the European Union.



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  • Tasos on December 8, 2021 @ 18:44:35

This post was created by Concha Avila on September 19, 2021.